Exchange Server Recovery Tool for Recover EDB - Exchange Recovery Tool for Exchange Server Recovery. The Exchange server manages the email environment and stores the emails and mail related data and any unexpected incidents can easily corrupt the exchange server.
The above mentioned incidents can be a reason which leads to Exchange server corruption, where the user mail stores become inaccessible. This situation leads to the need of third party software which can recover the edb files both Priv.edb and Pub.edb.File Type in Exchange Server: Exchange servers store data in two files, one is an .edb file. There will be text database files for individual private or public stores.
If the third party tool used to perform Exchange server recovery is Exchange Server Recovery tool then there is no need of worry even at a single step of recovery as the tool is designed with so utter persistence of user friendly interface from top to bottom.
Get corrupted Exchange Backup database recovered and thereby get exchange server recovery carried out with reliable tool.